The Flittabus services covers Maulden six days a week so check out the timetable to see if you can use this community transport.
Anyone can use Flittabus and bus passes are accepted on all routes. They also operate a hail-to-ride system and will pick up passengers anywhere along the route, as long as it is safe to do so.
For example a non-concession, one-way, fare from Maulden to Ampthill is currently between £1.40 and £2.40, and to Flitwick Tesco is between £2.10 and £2.40, depending on pick-up point.
Fares to Central Milton Keynes are £3.95/£4.05, to Bedford (Interchange Retail Park, St Paul’s Square and Tesco) it’s £3.15-£3.80., and the fare to Hitchin is £5.55.
The buses are also available for community private hire, provided hirers conform to the requirements of the law and that the purpose of the hire is appropriate – hire line 07563 170 067
Flittabus Community Transport Limited is a non-profit making organisation registered under the Cooperative & Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.
The service is run and operated by volunteers and provides transport facilities to town and village communities throughout mid-Bedfordshire via a scheduled timetable which covers 12 routes. Flittabus own and operate three buses which are all designed for easy access.
For further details please visit www.flittabus.co.uk